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Frequently asked questions

1. Do you carry out orders of murals to customer's size?

Answer: Our products have a wide selection of standard sizes, we don`t offer custom sizes. The advantage of factory sizes is that they are not pre-paid in advance as with all orders of photo murals on an individual.

/ Exceptions are made only in relation to orders for public buildings and businesses, designs and quantitative orders /

2. Can the photo murals be ordered in a different color, with changes in background color and background on the client?

Answer: Yes it is possible, in rare cases, for the purpose at your request, you can send your question to us if the working file and quality allows color corrections, we can do for you such an order, made after our samples.We will send you a sample of the model of e-mail for your approval. An pre-advance payment is needed for an individual order.

3. Can the base element of the photo mural to shift as a mirror image on the left instead of the right and back on individual orders?

Answer: Yes it is possible to fulfill such an order if photo mural design model allows it, after approval from your side of the design and pre-advance payment for individual orders.

4. Can the camera be stuck well on the paint?

Answer: Yes quite possible when water-soluble type / fasagen, paint / paint playes the role of the primer.

5. My size height is lower or higher?

Answer: In cases where the height is lower, the seze of murals can be reduced in the assembly 10-20 cm for all models, bigger removals are not fatal if needed.Note that the actual scale of the images is much bigger than your initial impression on the monitor.If you have more height, you can center the height or start the installation from the ceiling and not reach exactly to the floor.

6. My width is less?

Answer: Please refer to our rich collection of interesting pictures sizes and judge for yourself that it is quite possible that the photo mural does not fill the entire width and still looks very aesthetically.In many cases, when a part of the paint is contrasting or harmonious color even looks and original.

7. Can the photo mural be cut on the wall sizes?

Answer: The material they are made of can easily be cut and removed.

8. Can the photo mural stick on another surface other than wall?

Answer:non-woven photo murals can be installed on other smooth surface different from the wall, such as chipboard, MDF, wood, cardboard, etc. / without glass / using another additional reinforcement glue to the solution supplied by the type of water-soluble glue, as well-known C200 or others. modifications.

9. Are there differences in the color of the photo murals on the computer screen and real life?

Answer: Yes. Differences in color may be possible due the diffrent color setings to diffrent screens but usually there is minimal differences and can`t be seen.Keep in mind that the contrast and the brightness of your screen my be diffrent too. If your not sure you can try looking on another computer or call us for more information on the product.

10. Does the image of photo mural awnsers the on one from the screen?

Answer: For example, in many cases, there may be minor elements that have remained invisible to the eye in the small size of screenshots.In many cases, the color range of the composition is very rich in color at actual scale and are invisible on screen.In the main color may be present and other colors, invisible on the monitor.